Thursday, February 3, 2011

What to expect

Most of the time, these things get started up with one thing in mind and usually fizzle rather abruptly, so bear with me as I try to find an identity for this blog. It'll probably be a long, excruciating process for both the reader(s?) and the blogger. In fact, there's a distinct possibility that this blog will remain in this stem-cell like state, knowing nothing but growth and no real purpose. But that's okay. We'll have fun while this tumor of directionless thought grows.
This blog will, for the foreseeable future at least, be about a great many things. For one, I am a rabid sports fan, supporting mainly my local Los Angeles Angels and the not-so-local Pittsburgh Steelers, along with my athletically-challenged alma mater, the California Golden Bears. There will be ramblings and rantings with regard to these entities, ranging from the incoherent to the maniacal. Sports fans are like that. Consider yourself warned.
But first and foremost, I am a man of art. I majored in English in my tenure at Cal, so be warned that my mind has been so warped as to see nearly everything in a pretentiously significant light. Do not be surprised if you see one thousand words dedicated to the simplistic beauty of, say, a streetlight.
With that said, also know that I may throw a complete curveball here and there. This is my blog, after all.
So, if you have either the patience or lack of good sense to sit down and have a read, I invite you to do so. And please, provide your feedback when you feel the urge.


  1. The Steelers will not win. Rant about that!

  2. If the Steelers win, I expect to see the most polite rant ever about it. I remember how you were apologizing to us after the Cardinals lost in 2009 lol.

  3. Yeah, and I felt kind of lame after that one. It was kind of awkward being the only guy that was sort of pumped up in a room full of disappointed people. It'll be MUCH different in the Marrufo household if Pittsburgh wins, let me tell you.

  4. Where was our superbowl post? Do we get a post mortem?
