Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Bittersweet Moment

It gets to be very difficult to find things to post about after a couple of posts. You think you have enough lined up to fill the blog on schedule every time, but that well creative well dries up fast. So my apologies to you, readers, but I'm quickly learning why veteran bloggers get paid so damn much.
I've been trucking along with the job apps, but so far I haven't heard from many of my potential employers. Many of the jobs to which I applied noted that it would probably take a while for them to properly review every application, so I'm not too worried. I can always get in contact with them if I think I've waited long enough.
Saturday is going to be somewhat of a bittersweet moment for my family. After a long battle dating back to August, we are at last able to lay my grandmother's ashes to rest in the same plot as my grandfather. It's a bit of a long story.
After my grandmother passed away, my mother thought that getting her mother buried would be nothing more than notifying the funeral home and letting them take care of the rest. She and my uncle had, after all, already filled out the necessary paperwork and planned well ahead to make the process as painless as possible. Unfortunately, things did not quite go the way they had intended. They discovered, to their complete shock, that the funeral home had sold them a plot that legally belonged to someone else entirely. My grandfather had been buried there by special request, and the owner of the plot had long ago passed away.
In fact, when my mother and uncle reviewed the documents, they discovered that the salesman who had originally made the deal with them had forged several documents. He, too, had died since the deal was made. The funeral home would not budge on the matter - they couldn't let us bury Granny with her husband.
The whole matter was sickening - we were forced to stand by and watch helplessly as my grandmother's final wishes were left unfulfilled. It really was a gutcheck after the pain of dealing with Granny's death.
My mom then hired a lawyer to see if anything could be done about the situation. She did so, and the lawyer knew exactly what to do, but he failed on multiple occasions to act without a prod from the family. We would go weeks without hearing from him, and it wasn't until my mother would call him that he would finally act on our behalf. At last, he goaded out of the funeral home an offer of the proper burial with a written apology to the family, with the stipulation that the family would not sue. All we wanted was for our beloved family member to properly rest with her husband, so my mother and all of her brothers approved the offer.
After that, the matter of settling the date was yet another headache, as the lawyer once again failed to correspond with the family properly. It took yet another rather heated call from my mother to get the deal finalized, and now we have the set date. After all the pain and frustration of dealing with this ludicrous situation, it will be nice to finally have some closure. I think the actual event will be somewhat somber, but that mood will be coupled with relief and peace. That's all we could have ever hoped for.

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