Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well, at long last, my family was able to lay my grandmother's ashes to rest on Saturday, ending a long struggle with Green Hills Memorial Park in Palos Verdes. The atmosphere was strange; our feelings of anguish resurfaced, bubbling through and overtaking any feeling of closure. With Granny in the ground now, her death has become a startling reality, even after seven months of mourning. That feeling was definitely prevalent as we stood around her grave and the rain began to fall, first as a slow sprinkle and becoming a steady shower when we finally left the cemetery. With that, I think things will be a lot less melancholy around here. I still miss you, Granny.
I'm going to try to go without a Nintendo 3DS as long as possible, mostly as an attempt at self-improvement, but also to see how severe the withdrawals will be if I go without purchasing a new Nintendo device altogether. As of right now, it's manifesting itself as a tiny pain in my heart, ebbing and flowing with each commercial viewed or review read. It helps that I suck at Street Fighter, which appears at the moment to be everybody's highest-rated 3DS game.
Being the philistine that I am, college basketball normally doesn't carry much weight with me (unless the alma mater is involved), but this year I've found myself increasingly invested in the drama of the tournament. It could be (and probably is) that the competition really is unpredictable this year, with all #1 and #2 seeds knocked out of the Final Four. It could also be that this year's tournament is more accessible than ever before, which was an absolutely brilliant move on the part of the NCAA. Their smartphone app is probably the best thing I've ever seen. If the NFL or MLB were able to find a way to work out something similar, I'd probably have to find a way to prove to myself that I haven't died and gone to heaven.

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